Find a style of yoga that feels good.
Discover the Zem Yoga Experience
In this class, students are guided through an invigorating yoga flow with continuous and dynamic yoga sequences that benefit your whole being - improving flexibility, muscle, joint and cardiovascular strength, increasing mental clarity and focus, allowing for a harmonious unity of the body, mind and soul. Music, deep breathing and meditation techniques are also included for an integrated yoga practice.
Rocket Vinyasa
Rocket Yoga is a playful practice inspired by the Ashtanga lineage created by the late Larry Schultz. Loved by advanced practitioners, inversion junkies and beginners alike, the set sequences allow you to track your progress over time, while giving lots of opportunity to get upside down and on your hands in arm balances. You’ll find poses that strengthen and open the physical body and that each posture compliments one another to create a beautiful and well rounded practice.
Slow Flow
This is a flow class that moves a little more slowly and holds poses for a while longer. They are deep, mindful sequences of poses that help to focus and calm you. The class also incorporates the use of Yoga Tune Up balls for myofascial release, improving the slide and glide between the fascial layers which translates into ease of movement, release of tension, and reduction of discomfort. You will leave feeling calm and juicy at the end of class.
Ashtanga Vinyasa
A vigorous, flowing class based on the Ashtanga system. Ashtanga connects movement with breath in a dynamic series of asanas done with a calm, focused mind. Class starts with Sun salutations A and B and follows with standing poses, seated postures, backbends and the closing sequence. Students will build strength, increase flexibility and connect with the breath.
This class is a restorative and slow practice with more passive postures, mainly on the floor. Initially called “Daoist” yoga, this style of yoga targets the deep connective tissues of the body and the fascia that covers the body. Yin is unique in that you are able to relax in the posture, soften the muscle and move closer to the bone. Yin offers a much deeper access to the body, with it's meditative postures generally held from three to five minutes. Yin provides a calming and balancing to the mind and body, reduces stress and anxiety, increases flexibility in joints the connective tissue, and releases fascia throughout the body.
Heated & Assisted classes
Heated classes practiced in a heated room (28 °C - 32 °C). The heat allows for muscles to warm more quickly thus creating greater ease through your full range of motion, improving blood circulation to the skin and release of toxins. We recommend that you bring a large thin towel to cover your yoga mat once you begin to sweat. We also offer thin, gripping mat towels specifically designed for heated classes for rent or sale.
Assisted classes offer the empowering experience of an extra set of hands to guide you through your practice. Our assisted classes provide you with the opportunity to receive hands-on adjustments of your yoga poses. Assists and adjustments are not corrections, but rather are slight suggestions to be a little more honest in a pose…whether that is working a little harder or easing off a bit. They are a gentle reminder of what you can achieve and where you can go. Of course, assists and adjustments are always at your discretion and if you preferred not to be touched, we’ll always honor your wish.